What if talking with your teen about sex didn't have to be...
Sex ed needs a makeover.
Remember "the talk?" Maybe your parent sat you down and kind of.... sort of....talked about sex (and you both wanted to die inside) or perhaps your sex ed was in a stuffy gymnasium with a bunch of irreverent teenagers cracking jokes. Chances are you walked away with no real valuable information about your body and the gift of fertility.
I hate to break it to you - but it's even worse now. Kids are feeling confused about and afraid of their bodies, instead of feeling supported and secure in who they are created to be.
Between defaulting to condoms and birth control to conversations about gender and sexual orientation, the sex ed provided in most schools not only isn't helpful - it can actually be harmful to our children's souls.
The "more than sex ed" program Catholic parents actually want:
Teaches the actual biological facts of anatomy and sexual reproduction without being tainted by political or social agendas
Honors their family values and Catholic moral teaching - and actually explains those teachings in a way that makes sense
Encourages parental participation to promote further conversation on these topics
A delicate balance
The video course for Catholic teens to learn about anatomy and sexual reproduction in light of Church teaching
Imagine your teen:
Actually knowing the different parts of their anatomy and how they work together
Grounding their understanding of fertility in a place of positivity and respect for the unique purpose of each gender
Understanding what the Church actually teaches about sex and marriage and why
Having confidence in their body and God's purpose for it
Should we really be teaching them about fertility now?
I get it: You're worried that once they know about fertility, they might make poor decisions. Or maybe you're worried that their years of innocence will be lost.
Parents: even the Church guides us that the years of innocence are gone as soon as puberty starts. And it's OUR JOB as parents to shepherd our children through puberty, adolescence, and into adulthood, so they can find happiness and holiness in their vocation.
So first, while I do introduce the concept of NFP in the context of Church teaching, this program is not going to actually teach them how to calculate a fertile window. It just teaches them what they have a right to know about how our bodies are designed to work.
Plus, the information I teach can also be vital for identifying health problems early, instead of forcing our teens to suffer for years until they're trying to conceive to receive these answers.
A "more than just sex ed" course that shares your values
And also respects your role as the primary educator of your children.
Foundations for Conversation
Six short videos (6-10 minutes each) to get the conversation started on anatomy and Catholic moral teaching
Video 1
6 minutes
What's actually going on in there? I break down male and female anatomy and what each organ does (but don't worry - images give detail, but aren't explicit!).
Video 2
10 minutes
Did you know that the most important event of the menstrual cycle isn't a period? It's ovulation. I give an overview of the whole menstrual cycle to show how male and female anatomy work together for fertility.
Video 3
8 minutes
In this video, I straight-forwardly and scientifically explain the process of sexual reproduction in humans (no awkwardness!) and the natural times of fertility and infertility couples experience each cycle based on the woman's fertile window.
Video 4
8 minutes
I throw it back to our beloved JPII here as we begin the connection to our faith: Our bodies, as created by God, are a way in which He communicates the truth about who we are. And this truth is further communicated within the marital act.
Video 5
8 minutes
Once we know that our bodies are speaking to us, we need to learn how to translate it. In this crash course on body literacy, I give an overview of the daily changes men may observe because of testosterone and changes a woman might observe throughout a cycle (now considered a vital sign of health for girls).
Video 6
8 minutes
Combining everything we've already covered, I conclude with Catholic moral teaching on family planning, with an emphasis on how Natural Family Planning allows us to speak the Truth with our bodies and respects the natural periods of fertility and infertility in a couples' cycle.
Plus, you get lifetime access, which means you can revisit any time for a refresher or watch again as your other children become teens!
Got Questions?
I'll teach your teens
what the world won't tell them:
That their bodies are incredible, designed by God for a purpose
That they are worthy of knowing the actual facts about how their bodies work
That the Church's guidelines around sex and marriage are actually in their best interest
And best of all, I do it in a way that respects and involves your voice in the conversation.
Catholic education about sex and fertility
that will actually form their minds and souls.
A scientific and theological exploration of anatomy, fertility, & reproduction for Catholic teens