Want to know...
But wait...am I allowed to ask these questions?
As Catholic women who deeply care about the dignity of our bodies, it can feel challenging to ask these questions in a way that feels reverent...or even "permissible" as single women.
We were not created to be baby-making machines; we are daughters of God deserving the dignity of knowing our design, regardless of marital status.
And let me reassure you: chastity and cycle awareness are two very different things. This isn't NFP for single women; Cycle Charting for Single Women takes the knowledge of cycles gained through fertility awareness and removes the family planning piece, simply helping you read the "language of the body" of God's design for you.
Because yep, God created menstrual cycles for a reason - and that reason isn't just fertility.
Why Delay?
Waiting until you're trying to get pregnant to identify health problems? Instead, you can get fixes now and possibly avoid the heartbreak of infertility down the road.
Waiting until you need family planning? It's a lot easier to learn the basics now and then add in fertility protocols later versus learning it all during the crazy transition of the newlywed phase.
Waiting to know God's design for your body until marriage? Trust me, marriage will be a lot more joyful if you know and love yourself before giving yourself to another.
As a Church, we have to stop the impression that cycle awareness is only for married couples - and Cycle Charting for Single Women is my contribution to that mindset shift.
What (most) doctors won't tell you...
...is the answers you're actually looking for. You know, like is it normal to have to take off of work because your cramps are so bad or to double up on pads because you bleed through everything?
Let's face it: Your doctor most likely doesn't share your faith. So it's a lot easier - and frankly, a no-brainer - to prescribe the birth control quick fix and deal with underlying problems once you are trying to conceive. You don't have to deal with annoying period symptoms, and she doesn't have to dig deeper into why they're happening in the first place.
But you don't want a bandaid - you want answers, and preferably ones that align with your faith.
So you certainly could invest in working with a Catholic NFP instructor who can coach you and perhaps talk through some of these practical and theological questions,
but that takes so much time...
and money...
and you don't really need all the info about family planning yet...
you just want to learn the basics of charting for yourself!
And that's exactly why I wrote Cycle Charting for Single Women.
you have a stressful month, and instead of freaking out when your period is delayed, knowing exactly what's going on.
being able to predict when your next period will start and adjust everything from your sleep habits to your exercise routine to honor the internal work your body is doing.
seeing your cycle not as an inconvenience, but rather as a sign of health and call to holiness (and not just in a fluffy, "suffering is amazing" way).
A Lot More Than Just a Guide to Charting
Yes, I teach you all the practicals you need to know to get started charting, but charting is so much more than just a record to keep - it's a journey of self-discovery.
Part 1
You know you get a period, but why? What's actually going on inside? I start by demystifying what happens during periods and place them in the larger context of our entire menstrual cycle.
Part 2
Step-by-step instructions on observing and recording three types of biomarkers that indicate where we are in our cycles: cervical mucus, basal body temperature, and hormone levels
Part 3
Charting does so much more than just tell us when we ovulated or alert us to health issues: Even normal cycles can be used to influence our daily choices around sleep habits, exercise, even decision making.
Part 4
Now that you have all of this information, how do you know what it's saying? I break down how your cycle charting will show what's normal and what's not, as well as predictability and planning.
What you won't find? Family planning protocols. I don't go into fertility protocols in this book because you simply don't need them yet.
Printable Charts:
Prefer good ol' fashioned pen and paper? I provide chart templates you can print and use each cycle.
Sample Charts
Test your skills with exercises and sample charts to practice charting protocols.
Reflection Questions:
Care for your body AND your soul with prompts to connect cycle awareness to awareness of God.
A ton of confidence, not just in knowing how to "read" your body, but also in your incredible design by God Himself
I wrote this book for you if...
Rather One-on-One Coaching?
If you don't learn best reading or want more of a personalized experience, then come learn from me directly! I am a certified instructor of Boston Cross Check and have worked with many single women in my 10+ years of NFP coaching.
Calling all those in consecrated life...
Why aren't we talking about this more?! Because yes, knowing your cycles is actually incredibly valuable in community life. Aside from the health factors, being armed with this knowledge can totally transform your community life by maximizing energy levels to serve God in a way that honors your feminine design.
I would love to talk to you about how to share this book with your entire community!
Got Questions?
Find God in Your Feminine Design
God wants you to...
Come to know His love for you even better through your cycles
Be armed with the knowledge of what's actually going on in your body during your cycles
Feel confident to use that information to maximize your energy to serve Him or seek help if needed
Because charting isn't a lifestyle or just something you do as a Catholic. It's simply translating the language of our bodies so we can come to know ourselves - and thus our Creator - better.
And that's important regardless of your fertility status.
Your menstrual cycles are telling you something.
Do you know how to read them?
Cycle Charting for Single Women won't just teach you how to chart your cycles as a vital sign of health; it will also help you learn to hear God's voice within your feminine design - and as His beloved daughter, use that information to glorify Him in the unique way He's called you, regardless of marital status.