• Steve

    The consistent church teaching in multiple church documents is very enlightening and confidence building...All your materials really are excellent!


Host an NFP info session, they said.
It will be easy, they said.

Except it's not. Because you're wearing 4,937 other hats, and even though you kind of get this whole NFP thing, you don't want this to be yet another thing you're prepping at 11:27 pm the night before.

Imagine if all you had to do was pick a date, turn on the lights, and someone else had taken care of the rest. Hosting an NFP info session for your community would be an easy yes, right?

That's exactly what happens when you grab my done-for-you NFP Presentation Package!

Why host an NFP info session?

Because there's a really good chance your community doesn't know that

There is a Catholic-approved method of family planning that has the same efficacy rate as birth control, without all the side effects.

There's so much health information that can be gained from a knowledge of cycles that comes through Natural Family Planning.

NFP isn't "Catholic contraception" - it allows us to bring God into the discernment process.

In other words, it's critical information to understanding who we are as God's creation and living out our vocations well.

And because of that, you can't just run an NFP info session - you have to run it the right way.
But maybe you don't feel super comfy presenting on these topics because chances are, you're not a trained fertility awareness educator. So even if you had a (super brief) training on it in seminary or a segment at your recent professional development conference, that doesn't mean you're ready to stand up in front of your community and start talking about the wonders of cervical mucus.
Even if you're a veteran NFP user, you still might not be sure how to talk about it in a way that isn't overbearing or TMI...and the volunteers you've recruited in the past have been boring, judgmental, or both.
Why does it matter? Because how we talk about NPF is vital to its receptivity.

Because we have to keep in mind:

People are often contracepting not "just" for selfish reasons - there are often medical and fear-based underlying reasons for using birth control.

There are a lot of myths about what NFP is and its efficacy - and also a lot of people who don't even know it exists!

The conversations around NFP involve a lot of personal discernment, which means simply presenting tools for discernment, not judgement.

So yes - super important to have these sessions, and super important that they're done well. Which leaves you with the options of A) hire a trained guest speaker ($$$), B) hope for the best with volunteers, or C) do it yourself (with what time?!).

Now, there's a fourth way, one that doesn't cost you tons of money or time...

A done-for-you NFP presentation with a slide deck, speaker notes, and handouts - all you have to do is turn on the lights

Imagine your community knowing...

What the Church actually teaches about NFP (and not just what the internet says the Church says) and why

The basics of the various NFP methods and the biomarkers that are observed

The challenges and benefits of NFP, not in a sugar-coated, "every time will be like your honeymoon" way, but in a deep way that gets at the core of their identity as made in the image of God

I made this for...

Marriage Prep Classes/Retreats (including Convalidation Prep)

RCIA Classes

Seminary & Diaconal Training

General Parish/College Info Sessions

Couples' Retreats

...or even for personal study! 

Everything You Need to Host

From marketing materials to what to say when you get a tough question, the only thing left for you to do is hit purchase and turn on the coffee maker.


No fighting with PowerPoint; I've got your slide deck all ready to go, chockfull of information and easy-on-the-eyes design.


Just want me to tell you what to say? These Speaker Notes can be used verbatim or as a guideline, including sample answers for "tough questions" you might get.


The info session is just the beginning - keep the conversation going with printable handouts on next steps for getting started with NFP.


I walk you through event planning 101 and give you some fillable materials to assist in your marketing of the presentation.


Because sometimes you just need the option to be able to press "play." I've recorded myself giving the presentation so in case you can't find a speaker - I'll speak for you!

What you won't find? The classic NFP pose of a couple in a field. This is a modern, not early-2000s-feel presentation that will actually engage your audience instead of feeling reminiscent of a stock photo website.


Because we both care deeply about the souls this presentation will reach, you can be confident we're on the same page when it comes to the philosophy behind this presentation:
  • Abbie

    Props for adding in the non-religious voices for FAM/NFP from the podcasts and popular books out. I think acknowledging sources outside of The Church about how this affects women's health is keyyyy!


Get the Presentation en Español

Want to present this information in Spanish? Here is a translated version!

Woman smiling at camera with her hair in a bun, navy blue shirt, and crucifix with the words hello!

I'm Christina.

And of course you want to know who it is you're about to trust the souls of your community with.
First, I'm the owner of Pearl & Thistle, where I offer an innovative approach to lifelong body literacy for Catholics, including ongoing parish support programming.
I've also been a Natural Family Planning instructor for ten years, have both an undergraduate and master's degree in theology, and have spent almost two decades in parish and campus ministry settings.
Which means I know what a challenge it can be to find well-designed, attractive, and practical resources for individuals to use in their NFP ministries.
My hope is that this slide deck with aid YOU in educating, supporting, and sharing about NFP with others. 
Woman smiling at camera with her hair in a bun, navy blue shirt, and crucifix with the words hello!

I'm Christina.

And of course you want to know who it is you're about to trust the souls of your community with.
First, I'm the owner of Pearl & Thistle, where I offer an innovative approach to lifelong body literacy for Catholics, including ongoing parish support programming.
I've also been a Natural Family Planning instructor for ten years, have both an undergraduate and master's degree in theology, and have spent almost two decades in parish and campus ministry settings.
Which means I know what a challenge it can be to find well-designed, attractive, and practical resources for individuals to use in their NFP ministries.
My hope is that this slide deck with aid YOU in educating, supporting, and sharing about NFP with others. 

We owe it to our community...

To tell them about NFP. Because you can be sure they're not going to get this info from the internet or their doctors.

And it's not just about TTA or TTC, or even the invaluable health information cycle charting provides.

It's because the world is attacking marriage, the family, and identity. But NFP counteracts all of that by unveiling who we are and rooting us in whose we are.

And now, sharing NFP doesn't have to become one of your full-time jobs. Simply download these materials, and start sharing God's incredible design for fertility and the body with your community.

"The Church needs to do more to support NFP."

I've made it easy to do just that.

Everything you need to teach an intro to NFP session in one bundle! Download your slide deck, speaker notes, and handouts and start sharing NFP with your community the easy way.