I got you! Not everyone needs or wants a full course. So this 14-page guide is designed to give a basic overview of WHAT perimenopause is, and typical things that women and couples can expect to see with changes related to cycle lengths, cervical fluid, basal body temping, and LH testing in the various stages!

PLUS- it includes a list of Natural Family Planning method options and links to websites so you can follow up with individualized advice from a certified instructor!

But... what would happen if we went beyond just the basics and really invested in learning about our bodies as we age?

What if we assumed that women need perimenopause education the same way girls need puberty education? 

After all, OUR bodies are changing, too!

The fact of the matter is that women deserve education about our bodies, but...

...sometimes we don't know who to turn to for advice. Our moms may not be around, they may have gone through a totally different menopause experience, or they just may not want to talk about it. 

And doctors are helpful, but they don't really have time to explain why all of this is happening. 

And our friends' experiences may be really different from ours. So while it's great to know that we're not alone (and it's SO important to be affirmed that we're DEFINITELY not making all of this up!), there's only so much information we can get from girl talk. 

It's impossible to predict the future and to know EXACTLY how each individual woman will experience the perimenopause transition, but don't you think we could all benefit from knowing:

The different stages of perimenopause (Yep! Even within perimenopause there are distinct phases!)

How our menstrual cycles, periods, and fertility shift through these various stages? 

Considerations for how these changes might impact our family planning protocols (whether we're trying to avoid pregnancy or conceive!)

What are other normal symptoms to experience, and when I should talk with a doctor?

How to navigate this time together, as a couple? 

And especially for CATHOLIC couples, why not add in some reflection that can help us navigate this time with more positivity and respect for this unique (albeit confusing!) time in our lives? 

Woman smiling at camera with her hair in a bun, navy blue shirt, and crucifix with the words

I'm Christina.

I'm a wife & mother, a Lay Dominican, and fertility and cycle educator with more than a decade of experience.

I've walked with SO MANY women through their own unique experience of perimenopause. And I've given talks at parishes all over the country where women burst into tears because they finally feel like they have permission to speak about these things.
So I created Perimenopause Prep, because it's about time we—as the CHURCH—invest in gifting one another with this education, and with the vocabulary to open up about perimenopause, in general, and our own unique journey through it. 
Woman smiling at camera with her hair in a bun, navy blue shirt, and crucifix with the words Christina Valenzuela, Owner and Founder beneath ithi there, Catholic women!

I'm Christina.

I'm a wife & mother, a Lay Dominican, and fertility and cycle educator with more than a decade of experience.

I've walked with SO MANY women through their own unique experience of perimenopause. And I've given talks at parishes all over the country where women burst into tears because they finally feel like they have permission to speak about these things.
So I created Perimenopause Prep, because it's about time we—as the CHURCH—invest in gifting one another with this education, and with the vocabulary to open up about perimenopause, in general, and our own unique journey through it. 

Specifically when it comes to Natural Family Planning during perimenopause, just imagine how much better things could be if...

...we had a heads' up about certain cycle changes (like... did you know that SHORT cycles are one of the first signs?)

... we knew what sorts of issues we might start to see with our various fertility biomarkers, and could ask really targeted questions of our instructors about how our NFP method will handle that? 

...we understood how fertility rates change through this transition, so we can discern more concretely with our spouse about postponing pregnancy or trying to conceive?


Here's what "better" looks like:


An overview of the hormonal and cycle changes we can expect to see through the different stages of perimenopause, with a SPECIAL FOCUS on how this all applies to Natural Family Planning and our relationship with God and our spouse.


What is Perimenopause?: Let's define the term, understanding how this experience is similar to and different from puberty. We'll learn about the different stages of the perimenopause transition and discuss WHEN these changes tend to happen.

Quick Refresher- How NFP Works: Let's review the hormones and phases of the menstrual cycle, and talk about the way different NFP methods observe biomarkers related to those hormones & phases.

Stages & Changes: How are different biomarkers impacted by the various phases of perimenopause, and how might that impact my approach to NFP?

#TTC & Waning Fertility: Are you trying to conceive during perimenopause? Let's talk about strategies for maximizing your chances of conception, while keeping a healthy balance of hope & realistic expectations during this time when fertility is winding down.

Signs & Symptoms Beyond Cycle Changes: What other changes might I experience as I go through perimenopause? When and how should I talk to my doctor about options for helping me navigate these changes?

Navigating Challenges as a Couple: Perimenopause is a time of transition for your SHARED fertility. How can couples better support one another and develop strategies to navigate challenges with expectations, abstinence & sexual intimacy during this time?

Reflection- Womanhood Beyond Fertility: How can our Catholic faith help us develop a more positive narrative around (peri)menopause, and an appreciation for the feminine genius as we age?

And if that's not enough, the course includes a PRIVATE PODCAST full of additional expert interviews on topics like:

What are other women saying about PERIMENOPAUSE PREP?

I am impressed. I can tell you have done your research and the courses are engaging!

This course EXCEEDED my expectations! In all the video topics, I learned a LOT!

I love how you break things down by perimenopause staging and how various bio markers may or may not be a good fit at those times. 

Just watched the intro and now I want my husband to watch with me. So good so far!

Thank you for offering this!! I like how you combine science and theology. Your delivery is good and approachable.

This information is well organized, concise, and easy to understand!


Thank you so much!

I feel justified in that I am not going crazy.
So so helpful. Exactly what I was looking for. In addition to learning about perimenopause stages, I learned a lot about how to talk with my husband!

This course is for you if:

☑️ You are married and are tracking your cycles with Natural Family Planning (or you're interested in learning more about options for doing so!)

☑️ You're not sure what cycle changes to look for at various stages of perimenopause

☑️ You want to understand how your hormones are changing, and what impact that has on cervical fluid, BBT, and hormone monitoring with NFP

☑️ You'd like to learn the basics of what's normal to experience with things like hot flashes, moods, and changes in body shape (and what you should definitely mention to the doctor!)

☑️ You'd like some helpful tips on navigating challenges related to sexual intimacy and NFP during this time as a couple

Plus, you get lifetime access, which means no matter how long your process of perimenopause is, you can come back to these resources again and again!


The video course is just the beginning - you also get a library of PDF resources including:

Got Questions?

Will this course talk about symptom management?
Christina is a certified NFP instructor, *not* a healthcare professional. This course will provide an overview of various options for symptom alleviation that you may want to discuss with your doctor, but cannot advise on the suitability of those treatments for your situation.
Will this course teach me NFP?
This course cannot be used to learn an NFP method. It provides a general overview of biomarkers that are used by various NFP methods, with discussion about how those biomarkers may be impacted by perimenopause and NFP protocols may be affected. But in order to use an NFP method during this time, you will need to learn that independently. Your course materials will come with options for finding an NFP instructor in your chosen method!
Is this course only for Catholics?
This course includes references to Catholic teachings and assumes that couples will be following Catholic moral guidelines when trying to avoid pregnancy or conceive during this time. But if you are a woman who is not Catholic and don't mind sifting through that particular aspect of the course, then this can still be a very helpful resource for you to learn about perimenopause and what the unique considerations are for NFP use during this time. You are very welcome here!
What if I'm not married...is this course for me?
This course focuses on the distinct challenges faced by couples who are using NFP during perimenopause, so if you are not married and are looking for general cycle information during this transition, you will still learn a LOT about what to expect with cycle changes, and probably gain a lot of valuable insight especially from the interviews with experts. But it will be up to you to decide whether this particular course is worth the investment.
Is this course good for women in medically-induced menopause?
This course teaches all about the periemenopause transition, which is primarily about the years leading up to menopause. While some of the content may be helpful for women who undergo induced menopause (through surgery or other medical treatment), the materials are not crafted for the specific needs of that situation, where the transition is much more rapid or practically non-existent. If you have questions about your specific situation, you can always contact Christina for more info.
Once I purchase, how can I access the course?
When you purchase a program, you will prompted to create a user Login for the Podia learning platform. Whenever you return to Pearl & Thistle, you can Login using that information and you will be able to access any of the courses you have purchased online.
Can I download the videos?
Videos hosted in this Podia learning platform cannot be downloaded, so please be sure that you have internet access to be able to play them! All PDF handouts and supplemental materials, however, can be accessed and downloaded as many times as needed.
Can I show these videos in a group?
This purchase is for private, individual use only. If you are interested in using these materials for a group, please contact Christina for inquiries about group licensing packages.
Can I get a refund?
Due to the digital nature of this course, refunds cannot be offered except for special circumstances. If you have questions and would like to request consideration for a refund, please contact Christina directly.

There's no magic wand we can wave to make all of this totally easy. 

But we can feel a lot more CONFIDENT and less ANXIOUS
about perimenopause if we take the time to be prepared,
to focus on building positive strategies with our spouse, 
and invite ourselves to consider what God may be inviting us
to embrace
and discover through this change.