Boston Cross Check™ Courses

This is the basic BCC course for anyone in "regular cycles" (not postpartum or peri-menopause). There are four sessions, which cover a full year of instruction and unlimited chart checks and consultations.
- Session #1: Client intake, overview of NFP methods, charting signs with BCC [90 minutes]
- Session #2: (scheduled about 1 month later) Calculating start- and end-of-fertility with BCC with lots of practice charts! [90-120 minutes]
- Session #3 (scheduled between 4-5 months later) Common charting issues, full client charting review [60 minutes]
- Session #4 (scheduled at the 1-year mark) Looking ahead, full client charting review [60 minutes]

$300 base fee
Not sure what to expect with charting during breastfeeding? Before booking, check out this free guide:
This course covers special protocols for breastfeeding women. This course can be taken regardless of whether you had been charting with BCC before pregnancy (yes! it is possible to learn a new method postpartum!). Everyone's timeline is unique, but generally this program includes:
- Session #1: (scheduled 6 weeks postpartum) Introduction [90 minutes]
- Session #2: (scheduled upon return of cycles) Return of Fertility [45-60 minutes]
- Session #3: (scheduled six cycles later) Wrap-Up [30 minutes]
Plus unlimited charting assistance via email or Zoom check-ins as needed, from time of instruction through 6 cycles postpartum. Clients who have not already completed the MIP will add $50 to this course fee.

$200 base fee
BCC offers specialized protocols for women entering the menopause transition. Women should inquire about when they meet the cycle criteria for this phase! Instructors can provide a very quick assessment of cycles for signs of perimenopause via email. Everyone's timeline with this transition is unique, and the number of instructional sessions will vary based on which stage of perimenopause you are in, but all support comes with:
- Instructional Session - Introduction to Perimenopause, plus protocols appropriate to your staging
- One year of unlimited charting assistance via email
Your instructor will work with you to assess staging and set up an appropriate plan for instruction and follow-up according to your situation and goals.
Please note that clients who have never taken a BCC course before may need to take certain sessions of the MIP in conjunction with Perimenopause. Please speak with your instructor to inquire about particular fees.

Are you worried about losing support after the course is over? Clients who have completed the Method Instructional Program are welcome to contact Christina for 1-time consultations/check-ins ($25) or to pay a flat annual retainer ($75) for unlimited consultations.
Christina is the owner of Pearl & Thistle and has been a certified instructor in the Boston Cross Check method of NFP since 2013. She has been using this method since her second baby was born, and loves the flexibility of the protocols and the opportunity to tailor protocol options to clients!
Please note: Christina tends to book clients approximately 4-5 months in advance. She has reserved time to complete practicum clients for the trainees listed below and will accommodate those schedules as needed.
P&T Team Member
Andrea is a wife and mom of four, including her two Heaven babies. She has always been intrigued by math and the sciences, and ultimately received her degrees in aerospace engineering (yes, rocket science!)
Now, she's stepped away from her first career to raise and educate her children. She is passionate about women’s fertility and loves to talk all things fertility if you let her! She is so excited and feels blessed to be able to take a break from her engineering career and focus on teaching NFP to members of the Church and beyond.

As a Friend of Read Your Body, Christina's clients all receive 3 months of free access to the Read Your Body app included with new client course packages! The option for charting BCC with RYB will be provided in all sessions.