Since St John Paul II, the Church has undertaken the long-overdue project of contemplating the intimate relationship between body and soul, with special attention to the dignity of the body. Christina Valenzuela has made a very significant, even wonderfully surprising, contribution to that project.
For most women -- whether single, consecrated, or married -- our menstrual cycles are present throughout a large part of our existence here on earth. We intuit that there is something strange, strong, and beautiful at work within our bodies. Yet that positive inclination is often at odds with what we have experienced personally or seen among our family and friends.
What good can we find in our cycles, especially when we ponder the fact that both men and women are equally made in the image and likeness of God? The Language of Your Body delves deep into this and other groundbreaking questions, using the wisdom of saints like Hildegard von Bingen, Pope John Paul II and Thomas Aquinas to explore this unique, fundamental aspect of God's design for female bodies.
Despite menstruation being labeled sometimes as a "woman's curse," the Catholic Church invites us to claim our cycles for good. This book is a beacon to all women searching for positive ways to integrate our menstrual cycles into our sense of self, our relationships, and our prayer.

Author Bio
Christina Valenzuela is the owner and creative director of Pearl & Thistle, LLC, where she offers a unique blend of theology and science to bring better body literacy to Catholics. She has been a certified instructor in the Boston Cross Check™ method of Natural Family Planning since 2013 and her signature course, Cycle Prep, was a 2021 OSV Innovation Challenge finalist. She holds an undergraduate degree in Philosophy and Theology from the University of Notre Dame as well as a Masters in Theological Studies from Harvard Divinity School. She is a life-professed member of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic and resides with her husband and four children outside of Boston.
Praise for "The Language of Your Body"
It’s so important for girls and women to learn the logic and beauty of our bodies. Finally, we have a book that can help us do that. The Language of Your Body illuminates female biology with theological depth and richness.
'The Language of Your Body' offers Catholic women an accessible way to know that they are not alone in the challenges they face throughout their reproductive lives. Using the latest scientific knowledge and with remarkable theological clarity, Christina Valenzuela uses her own feminine genius to show how God has imprinted His own truth, beauty and goodness on every aspect of womanhood, and how the rich tradition of the Catholic Church strongly upholds the dignity of women.
The earliest heresies of the Church were various forms of Gnosticism—simply put, a rejection and denial of the goodness of the body. Christina's book provides the backdrop for a crucial conversation that taking our physical health, our bodies seriously is not just a practical exercise, but has deep spiritual and cultural ramifications in the work of building up a culture of life.
Since St John Paul II, the Church has undertaken the long-overdue project of contemplating the intimate relationship between body and soul, with special attention to the dignity of the body. Christina Valenzuela has made a very significant, even wonderfully surprising, contribution to that project. This book reverently moves an essential element of embodied femininity from the typical categories of confusion and shame to the beautiful arena of gift. In light of her insights, we might even recognize a certain limit to any account of the interior life of woman that does not take account of her unique biological makeup, with all its spiritual implications. Through years of practice and study, Valenzuela opens a brand-new pathway for the Church. If we are willing to walk it, we will come to more deeply understand spiritual direction, discernment, and community life among women of faith.
Highly recommend this thoughtful and well written book 'The Language of Your Body' as an excellent resource for women of all ages to better understand the gift of their cycles. This book empowers women to embrace their feminine genius and equips them to educate their teen daughters on the blessing of their cycles as a beloved daughter of God. Christina has done a fine job in incorporating the theology of the body, virtue and our Catholic faith perspective to explain the gift of a woman’s cycle and the language of her body. As a woman religious, I personally have found this book to be informative and will draw upon this shared knowledge to benefit my own sisters in community life and to point others in ministry to this much needed education for mothers, teens and young adult women.
I’ve never felt more honored to be a woman than when reading this book! Christina expertly weaves biology, theology, philosophy and storytelling into an ontological tapestry of the dignity and genius of the female body. A must read!