Pint-sized Theology of the Body

Is there a Catholic way to teach kids about their bodies?

How can we teach kids that their bodies are good and designed by God while also setting the foundation for Church teaching on sexuality? Prepare them with my free Catholic Connections course!


Pint-sized Theology of the Body

Is there a Catholic way to teach kids about their bodies?

How can we teach kids that their bodies are good and designed by God while also setting the foundation for Church teaching on sexuality? Prepare them with my free Catholic Connections course!


Your students need more than what the world is giving them.

You see it every day - your students buying into the lies the world is telling them about their bodies and worth. How do we counteract that? With body literacy programs that explain the why behind their design.

If you've been looking around my site thinking "I wish my students had this program!" I would love to chat with you! My two popular courses for families, Cycle Prep and Anatomy, Reproduction, and Fertility, are available for group licensing - with an important caveat.

My programs are geared towards families, since parents are the primary educators of their children.

But as a Catholic school parent myself, I know that I rely on so many others in my village, including my children's teachers, to help me in that responsibility.

I would love to chat with you about how Pearl & Thistle programs can help you to educate the whole family - not just students - about God's design for the body and cycles. I'll work with you to come up with a plan for sharing these resources in a way that includes the whole family and sparks conversations that last far beyond the walls of your school.

Explore Courses & Resources for Schools and Groups

Looking for something more faithful than secular sex ed, but less intense than a chastity talk? Let's set up a time to talk about bringing one of my body literacy programs to your school or other religious group (Religious Ed programs, homeschool co-ops, scout troops, etc).


Your students' parents are probably wondering when they should start talking to their daughters about their periods. Get families off on the right foot with Cycle Prep, a first period course to prep girls for their menstrual cycle.


"The talk," but make it Catholic. Rooted in the richness of St. John Paul II's Theology of the Body and science, we'll unpack the gift of our fertility through the lens of our Catholic faith - sans the awkwardness.


Speaking and Consulting

Want me to get things started for you?

I'd be happy to come speak with your parish about a variety of NFP, body literacy, and cycle awareness topics. I'm also happy to consult with your parish or diocese as well to provide trainings, assist in implementing NFP programs, and more.


Speaking and Consulting

Or I can deliver the content for you!

I'm also available as a speaker for schools and groups, including hosting Cycle Prep live as well as other body literacy topics.