What do YOU desire for your community? Are you looking for:

  • age-appropriate body literacy education for families?
  • robust NFP access and support?
  • understanding that our bodies are created good and deserve to be respected? 
  • the vocabulary and the resources to know and love God's design for our bodies? 

Pearl & Thistle offers a variety of programs, resources, and licenses to help you make YOUR body literacy vision a reality! 

A new model for diocesan NFP

Promote NFP in your diocese without adding to your to-do list.

Do you feel like the weight of educating EVERYONE in your diocese about NFP falls exclusively on your shoulders? In this free video, Christina lays out a new vision of diocesan model for NFP ministries, based on the idea that dioceses' energy is best spent equipping the parishes to provide local NFP education and support. 


Training Programs

First of all: priests and parish employees shouldn't feel like they have to do it ALL.

At Pearl & Thistle, we believe that lay people have an active and very important role to fill in offering education and mutual support for body literacy and Natural Family Planning. 

Let's start with NFP:

Our unique self-paced training program EQUIPS members of your parish or diocesan community to truly be NFP AMBASSADORS: people who are knowledgeable about different types of NFP, are willing to connect with others to share resources, and who have identified specific areas they feel called to support body literacy and NFP. 

Parishes and dioceses are encouraged to sponsor this training, through reimbursing their Ambassadors or working with Pearl & Thistle directly to subsidize or pay for the cost outright. Contact Christina to learn more!

Or maybe start with families:

Learning to understand and appreciate our bodies begins long before family planning. It begins at home. 

Now, Pearl & Thistle offers facilitator training for our acclaimed CYCLE PREP program-- bringing live, community workshops to parishes & schools all around the country! 

Experience the workshop where parents + daughters learn together about menstrual cycles, periods, and how to build a Culture of Care for all girls and women. It's the first period preparation program all women WISH we would have had growing up! 

PLUS: check out our other options!

Group Materials

Some Pearl & Thistle materials can be adapted to group formats through special licensing, bulk pricing, and presentation packages. Check our featured resources below, and contact Christina with any inquiries about licenses and/or materials which are not listed here. 

Group licensing packages exist for:

Presentation & leader packages include:

Bulk pricing available on self-published books and individual license programs.



Yes! Pearl & Thistle offers the option for live speaking engagements, either in person or via Zoom. Events hosted within 1 hour travel radius of Boston do not include any travel fees. Learn more about hiring Christina Valenzuela for speaking events HERE